Welcome to the blog space of Jay and Veronica!
Enjoy your stay, as you enter the brain waves of our lives. Its a wild ride so hang on tight!! :) Come back often and keep in touch!

Muchos Love!

Saturday, April 19

Loose Skin!

Time to show off Bailey's loose skin... and it's fun to play with! :)



Great back-scratch.

Wednesday, April 16


I've been slow in the updating of things as our home computer has been down for a few weeks. Looks like we need a new one as the laptop had a miny explosion inside.... apparently. I haven't seen the damage yet. However we need a new computer (cheaper than repair) so we'll be buying one in a month or two. Till then, we'll continue to be slow on the blog updates (and email response times.)

I've had my kayak out (last night! It's beautiful, fast and very comfortable. A PERFECT fit!

Bailey the puppy is doing well. Growing and learning everyday. Housetraining is slow going but going at least. All to be expected methinks.

enjoy the pics!

Veronica's Crepe deserts (for her B-day back in March.)

Neil's cup cake creation for our B-day's.

Veronica and Bailey on the 1st night home.

Giving the pup a bath (she stank like pig barn when bringing her home.)

Aiden's 1st enjoyable haircut... maybe because his Aunt Veronica was cutting his hair?

Going for a spring-day stroll with Eric, Becky and the kids.

Bailey's temporary bandage after cutting her toe-nail too short! :(

Veronica's amazing, yummy crepe creation... kinda like a Quiche! (for my B-day)

Hailey & Bailey. Hailey is M&D Sikkema's new puppy... well hardly a pup! :)

Daring Bailey... Daring!! That's not even your own food dish!

Hailey still thinks she's a puppy!! :)

Bailey posing very well!

"My, what big teeth you have..."

Sprawled out in the sun!

Awww... here underbite is almost cute :)

Me in my kayak. 1st time out on the water with it!

Beautiful Spring night to go out for the 1st paddle of the season!

Tuesday, April 1

New family member!

Our small family of two has grown to three now! We added the addition of a baby, and she's a real cutie. Furry, timid, doesn't bark... :)

That's right, a puppy. Well, half puppy, half grown up. She's a JUG > Jack Russel & Pug. Her name is Bailey and she's 16 weeks.

Character wise she is more pug than jack russel so we're blessed there! :) Pug's are very timid and very loving dogs. They are also easily affected by the cold so they make a great indoor dog.

She's only barked twice (in a week), and doesn't scratch or bite. Bailey has her hyper & fun playful moments & all together is an absolute sweetheart. She loves cuddling lots! Tons of fun.

I'll write more later.