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Enjoy your stay, as you enter the brain waves of our lives. Its a wild ride so hang on tight!! :) Come back often and keep in touch!

Muchos Love!

Tuesday, February 5


Here's some TUFF STUFF for you!

Truck fan or not, you gotta click on the pic above!! That's right, Ford takes an F-150, hooks it up to a Centrifuge machine and spins the crap out of the truck. What's a Centrifuge? Well, it spins the crap out of things, in this case a truck.

Why do you need to spin a truck? well, you don't, but it does prove that by swinging a full size pickup at speeds of over 100 km's per hour and a total of over 6 G's of Force! WOW. That's why?

Click here to see the stunt in the making and 3 other equally impressive ads! Definately worth a look!
