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Muchos Love!

Saturday, May 28

Knee surgery-Part 2

Less than 24 hours ago and the knee is doing well. Surgery went ahead at 3:00 as scheduled and I awoke at 3:50 in the recovery room feeling rather happily sleepy and wishing for a large meat lovers pizza to land in my lap. Wow we are a spoiled generation because I found that 16 hours was a long time to go without food! I was happy to awake in good spirits and with no feelings of nausea! I wasn't happy with the fact that I couldn't leave the recovery room for quite some time, when all I wanted to do was see Veronica! I said to Veronica who was perhaps a tiny bit concerned for my surgery, that I was more concerned for her as I was in a controlled situation with lots of doctors, and she was out on the road for the afternoon. I laughed good and hard when she told me that she almost schmucked into a bus!!

So all is well now. I'm at home, feeling virtually no pain as long as I'm taking pain killers. I'm using crutches for support but I can virtually walk on the operated knee, though I've been taking it easy still. The doctors say I may only be on crutches for a few more days. Sitting here makes me feel sorry for those who have to get a cast on a broken limb, because just one day with this wrapped up leg, and the itchyness is getting annoying already! That comes off tommorrow leaving only two small bandaids over the incisions! I find it amazing how something as incredibly complex as operating inside of a limb joint can become such a minor surgery! Wow, how technology is amazing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jason,

I'm glad your surgery (albeit minor) went well. Alanna and I pray that you make a full and quick recovery.

Here's to hoping the doctors used non-sticking gauze pads on your dressing!


PS. Make sure they didn't leave the camera in there :)

Saturday, May 28, 2005


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