Alberta trip!!
Hi all! We're back from our Alberta trip!
What an amazing place for breathtaking nature!

We started the trip by flying into Edmonton on Thursday. Friday morning we drove into Jasper and stayed in and around the town until Sunday noon. Then we drove down towards banff stopping @ the icefields and the Beautiful Lake Louise. We then spent Monday in Banff and Tuesday in Calgary and Lethbridge.
Wednesday till Monday we spent in Edmonton doing lots of wedding stuff for Jeremy Vandergaag and Tanya Aasman's wedding. We also spent a good chunk of time spending quality time with friends out there both from Ontario and Alberta!
The trip was incredible! I think the best holiday (and longest holiday) I've ever taken! Here's a link for pics of the Jasper and Banff portion of our trip!
Keep posted for pics of the wedding that I'll be posting later on this week!
The pictures say it best, much better than words but at the same time don't even come close to doing the scenes justice. The mountains are about 100 times bigger in real life than they look in the pics! So majestic.
Also the wildlife was incredible. We saw more bighorn sheep and Elk than we could keep count of. We also saw two black bears at different times, a coyote, several deer, and tonnes of small critters.

Keep posted here fore updates with wedding pics and for videos that I'll post later on Youtube.
Click here for pics!
ALSO, CLICK HERE TO SEE A MAP VIEW SO YOU CAN SEE EXACT PINPOINTED LOCATIONS WHERE THESE SHOTS WERE TAKEN!! It's amazing, you in hybrid view on google maps you can see a top view and the photo I took of a mountain at the same time! Very cool!
Awesome pictures, looks like a great trip!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
WOW is all I can say about the pictures! They are stunning...and it makes me really want to go west again! I haven't been there since I was 6 or 7, and then you don't remember much!
It looks you had a great time!!
Welcome home.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Good for people to know.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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