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Muchos Love!

Friday, February 16

An Oldie but a Goodie!! :)

So what exactly do Jay & Veronica do for fun on a Friday night? Well let's see, oh ya, tonight it was go Vacuum cleaner shopping. Whoohoo! The joys of married life. Yup, that was our valentines date out to each other. Pretty special huh? All you unmarried folk out there, you now have something to look forward to... :) ha ha ha!!!!

So I had a personal issue with vacuum cleaners, which I'm not sure were it started from. It's with the build quality of the machines. I mean, a kids toy being built out cheap flimsy plastic that squeeks, rattles and breaks easily is fine. But something that moves, operates, and gets banged around a bit should not be made of flimsy plastic.

So in my quest to find the perfect machine, my quest quickly settled upon the 'Big name' jobies, the Big Joes, the KING OF VACUUM's! Yes I'm talking about Vacuum World All Stars (V.W.A.S.) such as 'Electrolux' and 'Tri-Star'. Yup, these kings were the reigning champions from near the beginning of the invention of the vacuum cleaner!

But then there was the price issue. Eek! $1,399 for a sucking jug on wheels that I pull around behind me as I wave a majic wand over the ground to suck the crap out of my carpets? WOW!!

So Veronica and I went the way of the Dutch!

We decided to buy an "Oldie but a Goodie."

It seems with Vacuum cleaners (or so told by today's Vacuum Retail experts,) the manufacturer's 'FORGOT' how to make a good vacuum from around the age of the new millenium and onwards. So We got ourselves and Oldie but a Goodie. A.K.A. a ten year old Electrolux canister vacuum. It looks like it's part of an oxegyn unit for a martin spaceship but hey, looks don't count. The art of Vacuuming is meant to be done alone in privacy, and never with guests... so who sees it anyways.

Oh, and the most hilarious part of the particular unit we have, it has a reverse suction hole on it. One feature to be used is if the hose gets clogged, the hose can be put into this second hose and it will blow air out instead of suck it in. The main purpose of this was to blow air for day to day purposes such as:

Hair blow dryer
Light duty air duster
Heater / defroster for ice in a freezer chest

No joke... I'll try update this blog with real pictures straight from the brochure!

Crummy modern Vacuums, all they do is suck up dirt, they can't even be used as a leaf blower or hair dryer in a Salon.

Well, Veronica twisted my arm when she found out it could be used as the largest hair dryer she has ever owned... so we bought it! (JOKE!)

So that's our story about Vacuum's!

Oh and P.S. We found out that 99.9% of vacuum cleaner retail staff are either:

A.) Weird
B.) Creepy
C.) All of the above.

We found that 0.1% @ Guelph Electrolux Canada where they had one, and only one, 'Oldie but a Goldie' with our name all over it!

P.S.S. if your really good, I may even include a 53 minute video of the unit @ work. ( No serious... I'm really kidding! :)

Thanks for listening!


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Saturday, February 17, 2007


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