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Muchos Love!

Monday, August 22


Hey all! It's been a while.

Just thought I'd post a quick blog about the Tornado that just whipped through my new homeland (Fergus) just recently.
It seems as though when we see images, the pictures never do the scene Justice. That fact is more than true in this case! I can only describe my drive through the tornado stricken areas as horrific and sureal. It was like driving through a war zone. Click on the links for photos and Video.

The first few seconds of the video is the site were two cars were picked up. They were sucked up, flipped over several times and then dropped in the fields. The house (about 10-15 seconds into the video) is a family from the church. Their shop which had a piano repair business running inside of it is completly gone. The two men inside, hid under a grand piano. The only thing left standing afterwards was the grand piano with two men huddled underneath. That was it. The house was picked up and set back on the foundation, only mere inches off it's foundation. The curtains in the bedroom where sucked out of the window, and where found stuck between the house and the foundation. The piano lid from that grand piano the men hid under, was found several hundred meters away in the tangled forest. Not a single sole was taken in this wicked storm. Among all the wild animals lost, their were only three cattle killed from the farm seen in the end of the film! What a miracle!

Some mechanics at work had their homes destroyed in the path. One mechanic came home and couldn't find his car. It was completely buried in trees and rubble. He dug it out, and had it cleaned up at work. To all of our amazement, the damage was very minimal considering what it had gone through. Only small dents and scratches, nothing a body shop and insurance can't take care of! Amazing!

May non of us ever have to go through such a horrid storm!


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