Winter Fun and Salon Grand Opening!

Hi all!
So Martin Cooper, the salon i work at, has expanded in the last month. We moved across the hallway into an area that is twice as large as our previous place. We then opened a barbershop in our old location. It took a lot of hard work and patience to get it all done in time but we did it. When it was all finished we hosted a grand opening. We had the mayor, councilors, and Cogeco TV come out for the ribbon cutting ceremony. It was a great evening to host and feels like all that hard work is behind us and now we can concentrate on the job that we are actually there for. :)
Click here to see some new photos! The pics are of our new salon and our latest downfall of snow!!
Wow! Looks spiffy. I have wanted that print of Audrey Hepburn ever since Ikea started selling it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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