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Enjoy your stay, as you enter the brain waves of our lives. Its a wild ride so hang on tight!! :) Come back often and keep in touch!

Muchos Love!

Wednesday, February 28

What has 4 legs & lives in a house!

Nope, not a dog. But a coffee table... a new coffee table for our new pad :)

Ok, how excited can people really get about a new coffee table? Well, if your Jay and Veronica, it's the highlight of your week. (yup, for those of you with kids... that's what life was like before children came your way.)

Well, the biggest reason we LOVE our new table is cause Dad Hart made it... and he did an amazing job! Thanks so much Dad... it's perfect and looks GREAT!!

Table look familiar to anyone? (harts?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Table looks great, glad you like it. Where did you get the amazing design? Looks very familiar to the table we have had for 33 years and still love. Hope yours lasts as long,
Dad & Mom

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blogger elaine said...

Hello Jay & Veronica,

Funny that you've just posted this table post, and funny that i've just randomly come by your blog ... because i spent a good portion of the C&C meeting last night admiring your coffee table!

What was so intruiging were the possible methods of construction. i guess Mr. Hart has it down to a fine art though, so no worries there. It was stressing me out - what is measured first, the sizes of the tiles? or the length and width of the wood of the table? In the end i figured the tiles take precedence...

Then the analysis went on to cover the grout (that's what it is, even in a table, eh?)... and on and on. Even the placement of the table in the room. hehe

And the final package is beautiful! Wood, stain colour and finish, tile arrangement, colour and texture... and the angle of it in the room seems to allow the best movement of traffic ...

Okay, enough now,

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


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