Tubs, I love 'em!!
Tubs are great! There, it's out, I said it! I love tubs!
Any shape or form, they are simply relaxing, soothing and downright enjoyable. Now I must admit, I'm not the 'master tubber' in this household as Veronica likely enjoys more than double the 'tub time' than I do, but when I do get in.... aaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! :)

Well here it is: THE DUTCHTUB! I'm Dutch, I like tubs, I like Campfires, and I like Portable! This tub is slick! Downright cool! Ya, the dutch are the best!
But it really is Baths, and Bathing in general we're talking about here. From taking a dip in a calm Ontario Lake to using the 'highest-of-tech' to enjoy the soothing effects of water, I'll take it all!
Read on Bath lovers, read on...
Introducing the Whirlpool BodyBox concept!

Laundry, Folding, Shower, Steam Room, Sink, Mirror, it does everything 'Bath' related, all with an onboard computer and screen! Everything bath related that is except shave for you! Uber Coolness!
And then you get my style tub! Surround sound with speakers specially mounted inside this tub, a flat screen TV to play videos of relaxing images (like Penguins freezing their butts off) and a 'moat' around the edge of the tub to have floating candles and even rose pedals in to Romanticize it up for the odd occassion.

But then, does anything beat the real thing?

Can you guess who wrote this?
Monday, November 13, 2006
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